저와 함께 완벽한 에스프레소를 추출하는 방법을 알아볼까요?
준비에 앞서 미리 알아두어야 할 사항들:
에스프레소를 25-30ml 정도의 양으로 채워놓습니다.
brew 그룹 레버에서 완벽한 에스프레소 추출까지 23-25초정도 소요됩니다.
정수된 물과 커피원두가 묻어있지 않은 깨끗한 포터필터를 사용합니다.
신선한 원두를 사용합니다.
포타필터를 hot brew group에 장착하고나서, 추출을 시작합니다.
준비하기: Preheat the cups on the cup warming tray. Allow the portafilter to be clamped in the machine during the heating phase. Fill the portafilter with fresh ground coffee. The coffee grounds should fall "easily and flakly" from the coffee grinder into the portafilter. Tamp the ground coffee with approx. 15-20 kg of tamping pressure. As a help, you can use our pressure-regulating tamper. Please make sure that the ground coffee is firmly pressed in the portafilter. To measure whether you have tamped properly, you can, among other things, turn the portafilter and the coffee must not fall out. Preheat the cup by pouring hot water into it. Empty the cup and allow some water to run through the brew group. Insert the portafilter, place the cup underneath and prepare the espresso. The espresso should now run "like oil" from the machine into the cups.